Politically Correct Madness! |
- He does not have a beer gut; he has developed a liquid grain storage facility.
- He is not quiet; he is a conversational minimalist.
- He is not stupid; he suffers from minimal cranial development.
- He does not get lost; he discovers alternative destinations.
- He is not balding; he is in follicle regression.
- He is not a cradle robber; he prefers generationally differential relationships.
- He does not get falling-down drunk; he becomes accidentally horizontal.
- He is not short; he is anatomically compact.
- He does not constantly talk about cars; he has a vehicular addiction.
- He is not unsophisticated; he is socially malformed.
- He does not hog the blankets; he is thermally unappreciative.
- He is not a male chauvinist pig; he has swine empathy.
- He doesn't have a dirty mind; he has introspective pornographic moments.
- He is not afraid of commitment; he is monogamously challenged.
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